2023 Fire Drill & Accident Scene First Aid

Release time:

25 Dec,2023

In order to enable all employees of the company to understand the basic knowledge of fire fighting, enhance their self-protection ability, master sudden fire response and escape skills, and learn to use fire fighting equipment correctly, the company decided to hold an "annual fire safety emergency drill" in the factory area ".

The whole activity is divided into four processes: correct use of fire-fighting equipment; on-site simulation of fire evacuation first aid; fire extinguisher drill at the beginning of the fire, outdoor fire hydrant operation drill lasts about 1 hour, the participants include workshop department about 22 people.

The fire drill is led by the company's administrative department, and Zhao Jun, the retired fire brigade-sawing machine workshop supervisor, is invited as the keynote speaker and provides on-site guidance.

Through this fire drill, we not only enhanced the staff's fire awareness, but also mastered the correct operation steps and methods of various fire-fighting equipment, and further improved the staff's ability to respond to emergencies.

Fire knowledge will never be forgotten, and you will not panic when you encounter a fire; everyone in fire prevention will keep the pass, be prepared for danger, and have no hidden dangers."