Liyang city JINKUN FORGING & MACHINING Safe Production Month Successfully Concluded: Build a Safe Defense Line and Keep a Beautiful Home

Release time:

08 Jul,2024

Safety in production, responsibility is more important than Mount Tai. In Liyang JINKUN FORGING & MACHININGwe always put safety production in the first place, with a rigorous attitude, scientific management, cast a solid security line of defense. In June, the safety production month came to an end. Through a series of fruitful activities, JINKUN FORGING & MACHINING drew a perfect end to the safety production month.

1. Employee Safety Competition: Collision of Knowledge and Practice

Safe production, employees are the main body. During the safety production month, JINKUN FORGING & MACHINING with a unique employee safety knowledge competition, to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees to learn safety knowledge and improve safety literacy. This competition is not only a test of employee safety knowledge, but also a promotion of safety awareness. Employees actively interact in the competition, forming a strong atmosphere of safe production.

Experience Sharing of 2. Award-winning Employees: Leading by Example and Making Common Progress

Safe production, lead by example. In the safety production month, JINKUN FORGING & MACHINING commended the outstanding employees and invited the award-winning employees to share their experience. Their stories are vivid teaching materials for safe production, and their experience is the ladder for our common progress.

Safety training for 3. management: strengthening leadership and building a safe line of defense

Safe production, build a defense line. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the safety production month, the company's management attaches great importance to the organization of safety mobilization training. At the training meeting, the general manager of the company delivered a speech, emphasizing the importance of safe production and requiring managers at all levels to earnestly perform their safety duties to ensure the safety of employees' lives and the safety of the company's property. This training has effectively improved the safety production awareness and management level of the management.

4. special equipment emergency rescue drill: actual combat drill, improve emergency response capability

Safety in production, prevention first. During the safety production month, Jinkun Forging organized emergency rescue drills for special equipment to test and improve the emergency handling capabilities of employees in the form of actual combat drills. This exercise not only improved the safety skills of employees, but also enhanced their confidence and determination in the face of emergencies.

The perfect ending of the safe production month cannot be separated from the efforts and efforts of every Jin Kun person. We took the safety production month as an opportunity to deepen the awareness of safety production, improve safety production skills, and strengthen safety production responsibilities, laying a solid foundation for achieving the annual safety production goals.

Looking to the future, we will continue to deepen production safety management, strengthen safety awareness, and ensure that every employee can work in a safe environment.

Although the month of safe production has ended, the task of safe production is still arduous. Jinkun forging will always keep alert, stick to the bottom line of safety production, and make greater contributions to the long-term stability of safety production with more enthusiasm and more pragmatic style.